The Drum of Time!

“The Drum of Time.”

Part 1:( Bean) When you stand all alone
And you feel the weight of zero in your bones
When the wrong just goes on
And the fight is like a night without a dawn
(Bean and Lugsy) There’s a voice you will hear
It will tell you what is right in spite of fear
And the voice is a drum
It will lead you to your courage, it will tell your friends to come

(Bean and Lugsy repeat Part 1 while the other bunnies sing Part 2 twice)

Part 2: We are marching to the drum of time, it tells us where to go
We are marching, we are searching for an end to hate and woe
We will march against the mighty, we will march against the strong
We will march to free our brother who has suffered under wrong

(call and response) Drum of right (drum of right)
Lead the fight (lead the fight)
Drum of time (drum of time)
We shall climb (we shall climb)
(all) We will march to fight the wicked till the wicked takes to flight
For we serve the drum of right—drum drum drum!


  • “The Tale of the Bunny Picnic.” Written by Jocelyn Stevenson. Directed by Jim Henson and David G. Hillier. Original release onMarch 29, 1986.

  • “Drum of Time.” Our Melody The songs of the Muppets and the Jim Henson Company. Accessed March 8th, 2020.

  • “The Tale Of The Bunny Picnic - with Jim Henson's Muppets (1986).” “David J Lemke.” YouTube. Accessed March 8th, 2020.